Update August 2021
Having watched the transition to lifted restrictions, we feel confident that we can now return to full capacity. As such you will be working on a pod with another person. The pods will continue to be sanitised, you are welcome to wear a mask should you choose and there is plenty of hand sanitiser around. The room is very large and airy and it is possible to maintain a one metre distance with a bit of care. Please note that this may change as Government guidance and scientific research changes.
Well, haven't our lives changed over recent months? But now it is time to get back to business safely and find a new way of working despite Covid 19.
Workstation Hygiene
We have always prided ourselves on extreme cleanliness, so no changes needed there. Workstations have always been cleaned with kitchen sanitiser before and after all courses. The sanitiser will also now be available for all guests to use during courses.
Hand Washing Facilities
We have always had a dedicated hand washing sink with anti bacterial soap. We will continue to actively encourage all guests to wash their hands on arrival and regularly throughout the day.
We have recently added hand sanitiser dispensers by the door to the toilets and by the main entrance as added security. Guests will be asked to use these as they enter or re-enter the Cookery School.
Guest Numbers
We are blessed with plenty of space at Ground Up Cookery School. Social distancing to 1m and even 2m is easy with minimal changes.
Course sizes will be halved. Historically most courses were open to 12 guest bookings, this will be reduced to ensure that each guest has their own workstation and can easily distance from other guests. We will review this after our first few courses and may introduce pairs from the same "bubbles" working at the same workstation in due course.
We will not initially sit down to lunch around the large table with full groups, unless they are all from the same household. This will also be reviewed after our first few courses.
Our Courses
Having completed an accredited Infection Control Course, we will be introducing a new Corona Friendly Introduction to Foraging course. This will be held outdoors, although there will be access to beverages and facilities should guests choose to use them. There will be no cooking or communal eating, we will of course be discussing and sharing key recipes and tasters. The aim is to offer the same ambience and aims as our full Foraging Course, so you will leave with a good idea of how you might incorporate wild ingredients into your everyday cooking.
We usually share facilities with Drakes Farm Cafe. However, moving forward one toilet will be dedicated for sole use by Ground Up Cookery School guests. This will be deep cleaned before and after every course. There will also be sanitising spray available to for guests' use.
If any of our team develop Covid 19 symptoms the Cookery School will be closed with immediate effect. Bookings will be rescheduled or refunded.
If guests develop symptoms it is imperative that you do not attend any courses. Therefore, we are temporarily altering our cancellation process. You may cancel up to 24 hours prior to the event IF you are displaying symptoms or are in isolation having come into contact with a Covid 19 patient. We ask that you are honest in your reasons for cancellation. As a small family business we have taken a huge hit since March 2020 and implore you to respect this. However, we cannot risk introducing symptoms to our guests, our team or our families. You will be able to reschedule your booking for any course with availability within 6 months.
So, come and join us for lots of fun and knowledge. We are really looking forward to seeing you all back soon, the cookery school has been too quiet without our fantastic guests.